Classe de Français.

Bonjour, aujourd’hui je vais vous parler du travail que j’ai fait cette année. Je vous dirai et vous montrerai ce que j’ai aimé et ce que je n’ai pas aimé.

Ce que j’aime:J’ai aimé cela parce que c’était facile et plutôt amusant de faire le travail.



Un travail que je n’ai pas aimé: Je n’aimais pas ça parce que c’était stressant et parfois c’était facile, mais pas vraiment.


My parashat blog.

This parashat called Ki tisa is about seeing things because Moses said he would come back after 40 days and 40 nights but he didn’t and because of that they stopped seeing him as their leader and decided to create a golden calf. God saw them praying and dancing around the calf and got really mad. Moses told God to calm down and he started going back to the israelites and when he saw them dancing around the golden calf he got really mad and broke the 10 commandments and started praying to god to forgive them. This all correlates to seeing because when the israelites saw that Moses wasn’t coming back they made a golden calf and when god and Moses saw it they got mad.



Some of my good characteristics

  1. Good friend
  2. Funny


Some of my bad characteristics

  1. Crazy


Hi my name is Nathan today I will be talking about me and my groups Purim slides.


I did not learn much about Purim through the slides, but it was fun to create and design





Pour Pourim, mon costume est celui de M. Jones de Men in Black.

J’ai choisi le costume parce que je ne savais pas quoi porter.


Le costume que j’ai vu ce matin que j’aime le plus est celui de Jonah parce que Luigi est cool.


One thing i knew about fractions was that there were different forms of fractions.

Statement 1. I would rather prefer division instead of fractions. I feel like fractions are just an unnecessary excess amount of work.

Statement 2. Although fractions are a bit useless they could be used for like an agenda since they are an easy way to write down your answer.

There is not anything i want to learn in the topic of fractions.

Innovation day reflection.

I really liked the building part of the innovation day. I came over to my friends house to build the project. 



Trial and error

We almost gave up after seeing our fountain and water wheel fail, meaning we had nothing to our minds until one of our work partners came up with the idea to build a dam instead of a fountain.

One part that we could’ve fixed was creating the height of the water wheel. When we drilled a hole for our axel we drilled it too low which meant we had less capacity because if the water levels increased it would create resistance in the water wheel stopping it from moving. 

Pros and Cons


 One of our pros was probably how we managed to find a  plunger like arrow for blocking the hole to the water flow if we needed to. 

One of our cons was how unstable the cans were allowing them to topple over with the smallest amount of force.




Our hypothesis is that our dam invention will work along with the can pillars and axel. We have a lot of expectations due to us thinking it was a smart idea to create a dam and use a toothpick for a axel. Me and my partner really thought that coin slots were going to work for the little buckets or pillars that are normally attached to the outside of the water wheel. 




Eight soda cans, one wooden axel, one yellow bucket, one clear bucket, four medium sized coin slots, one plastic bowl, sand, water, one plunger like arrow, two 2.5 litre water jugs, 





Me and my two partners worked well to finish our project and overall I think we did an amazing job! The funnest part for me was creating the water wheel or making the outside.




In conclusion I think the project went really well with my partners and it was fun to create and I really enjoyed it overall! The funnest part for me was most definitely the structure of the build. Did not enjoy the flash cards too much had a bit of errors in them.


Hi i wanna tell you about a new skill i am learning! It is called cursive. Cursive is basically like swirly handwriting which makes you look professional but i don’t know why it is considered professional, maybe it’s because it’s hard to learn. I am excited about the fact that i’m learning how to write properly but not about the learning to do it, its very difficult and hard to perfect and for that reason it is not as enjoyable as i imagined.


Museum of Canadian history.

When i first entered the museum of Canadian history i liked it. There were a lot of indigenous items like kayaks sculptures and tools. My favourite tool was a bendy hammer that i like to call the squiggly hammer. There was this really big kayak that had carvings and art on it. There was also a small kayak but it was still pretty big even though it was most likely for children. There were also trees that looked like a face, one of them had a bunch of people climbing to the top. When we went to the third floor that was when it got more modern. We started to see big coats and one of them was made from bison. There were more coats that i examined and it turned out they were made for whale hunting, i think we also saw whale bones. I also saw a bunch of cool weapons.

My goal 2023.

My goal is to do better in French vocabulary and french in general.

I can reach this goal by asking more questions, and focusing more. I have been

doing a research project and i got down close to 4 pages in one period. In my

notebook for verbs i have been struggling and not very close to finishing it.

I have been improving slowly. I can tell because it is a bit easier to respond to sentences or questions asked in French notebooks.

People who can help. Marie-Josee.

The outcomes are. Better test work, finishing school work easier and faster, teachers are happy.