Classe de Français.

Bonjour, aujourd’hui je vais vous parler du travail que j’ai fait cette année. Je vous dirai et vous montrerai ce que j’ai aimé et ce que je n’ai pas aimé.

Ce que j’aime:J’ai aimé cela parce que c’était facile et plutôt amusant de faire le travail.



Un travail que je n’ai pas aimé: Je n’aimais pas ça parce que c’était stressant et parfois c’était facile, mais pas vraiment.


My parashat blog.

This parashat called Ki tisa is about seeing things because Moses said he would come back after 40 days and 40 nights but he didn’t and because of that they stopped seeing him as their leader and decided to create a golden calf. God saw them praying and dancing around the calf and got really mad. Moses told God to calm down and he started going back to the israelites and when he saw them dancing around the golden calf he got really mad and broke the 10 commandments and started praying to god to forgive them. This all correlates to seeing because when the israelites saw that Moses wasn’t coming back they made a golden calf and when god and Moses saw it they got mad.



Some of my good characteristics

  1. Good friend
  2. Funny


Some of my bad characteristics

  1. Crazy


Hi my name is Nathan today I will be talking about me and my groups Purim slides.


I did not learn much about Purim through the slides, but it was fun to create and design